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Pauly-Bohn winery

The organic winery Pauly-Bohn is located in Burgen, the "Village of 19 Bridges and Stege" and is considered a tourist "insider tip". The family has been running the Moselle viticulture in this beautiful side valley for several generations. The oldest part of the wine cellar dates from 1790. Only natural and vegetable active ingredients are used in the winery that do not kill the pest, but strengthen the defense of the vine. Certainly the better way to get a healthy and digestible bioWein. Dhe is of course strictly checked and certified; That is why the wines from the Pauly-Bohn organic wing have been wearing the organic seal and the EU organic logo on the label since 2003.

Owner and Dr. says about quality philosophy Agr. Jörg Pauly: “Actually, you are wrong with the great philosopher when you speak of philosophy! Basically, it is very simple: the lower the grape yields - and we have them in the organic cultivation - the more substantial, aromatic and complex, the wine is becoming! ”By the way, the“ old vines ”in the organic winery in Burgen are predominantly older than 50 years. In addition to Riesling wines from the Burgener and Veldenzer layers, the Grauburgunder, which are expanded in the barrique, are a specialty. For example, the 2018 Grauburgunder dryer, which Jörg Pauly describes as follows: "Not a light hop ... The seven months (not corona-related) quarantine in the barriqueface have had this Grauburgunder into a very dense and complex plant. No wine for fun ! "

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